Welcome, everyone. Thank you for being a visitor. There's isn't too much to look at as of yet, but there shall be much more to come while I continue to get my act together. You just need to make sure that you bookmark this site so that you can more easily find me and visit frequently. I will soon start posting stories and blog musings or articles that will keep your interest. The traffic that comes into this site will act as a motivating force on me and I am expecting to feed off of that. At the same time, the more content that I post, the more likely people will linger and spend some of their day here. The two things should feed off of each other: my motivation and your (presumed) fascination.
My style of fiction writing, as I've alluded to in other sections of this website, include several different genres and subgenres. My fondness for silliness and random humor is the most apparent, such that I included it in the tagline beneath my name; my Yes it Does stories fall into this category. Black comedy and gallows humor also make me smile so I make an effort to employ that sort of thing too. On the serious side, I think I tend to gravitate towards melancholic themes. My Torpthorker book samples all of these types of writing, and my Twitter feed consists of them as well. It's also worth mentioning that I am not above using "blue comedy," which is also interspersed among my writings for good measure because sometimes I giggle about poop and have to share it.
To help you get to know me better, here is a picture of me in my natural habitat:
Now we are acquainted. Nice to meet you.